

Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Madness

There is only one day left in 2010, and I will be spending it shopping for a new laptop. I am looking forward to 2011, there are some big things ahead for me. Graduating from college being the biggest thing. I am excited and nervous for the year ahead but I know that it will be amazing. Who knows, maybe I'll land my dream job as a video game journalist? All I can say is that the sky's the limit. I think I am going to create a checklist of the things I really want to get done in 2011. For most being get my own apartment. I love my family, but I have been living on my own since 2005, and this whole moving back home for my last semester thing is really irking me. I'm ready to seize the day. Hopefully, I'll be given the chance to. See ya in 2011!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's been awhile

So I haven't posted since the beginning of December... which is mainly due to how crazy finals got (you try taking six classes and get back to me, if you don't believe me). So in that time Cataclysm has been released and I got my gnome rogue to lvl 85! The new content is amazing. I created a warlock goblin and a worgen hunter and I am really just enjoying playing. Blizzard really knows how to create a fun experience for their fans and how to keep the material fresh.
Next semester is my last semester in college. Wow how time flies. I just hope I can find me a job to keep some monies in the bank.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle