There is only one day left in 2010, and I will be spending it shopping for a new laptop. I am looking forward to 2011, there are some big things ahead for me. Graduating from college being the biggest thing. I am excited and nervous for the year ahead but I know that it will be amazing. Who knows, maybe I'll land my dream job as a video game journalist? All I can say is that the sky's the limit. I think I am going to create a checklist of the things I really want to get done in 2011. For most being get my own apartment. I love my family, but I have been living on my own since 2005, and this whole moving back home for my last semester thing is really irking me. I'm ready to seize the day. Hopefully, I'll be given the chance to. See ya in 2011!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle

Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
It's been awhile
So I haven't posted since the beginning of December... which is mainly due to how crazy finals got (you try taking six classes and get back to me, if you don't believe me). So in that time Cataclysm has been released and I got my gnome rogue to lvl 85! The new content is amazing. I created a warlock goblin and a worgen hunter and I am really just enjoying playing. Blizzard really knows how to create a fun experience for their fans and how to keep the material fresh.
Next semester is my last semester in college. Wow how time flies. I just hope I can find me a job to keep some monies in the bank.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Next semester is my last semester in college. Wow how time flies. I just hope I can find me a job to keep some monies in the bank.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The times they are a'changing
So Azeroth has been completely transformed. Patches are being released weekly by Blizzard and next Tuesday is the big D-day as in Cataclysm will be released in stores! So excited.
Finally started playing with my Wii again... though I was just playing Paper Mario that I downloaded through the Wii marketplace, I'm so retro lol. Now just got to get the boyfriend to get the Playstation 3 out of its box and hooked up. I want to get LittleBigPlanet!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Finally started playing with my Wii again... though I was just playing Paper Mario that I downloaded through the Wii marketplace, I'm so retro lol. Now just got to get the boyfriend to get the Playstation 3 out of its box and hooked up. I want to get LittleBigPlanet!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Cataclysmic Destruction
The latest patch was released for World of Warcraft on Tuesday and with it the Cataclysm has begun in Azeroth. Major destruction and rebuilding has taken place. The world as we knew it has completely shifted. Some changes are awesome and appreciated. Like my new Troll Druid which I am loving since I have always wanted to play a Druid but have no real fondness for either Tauren or Night Elves. Some changes are odd, like the lush green Western Plaguelands, and some still need time to grow on me, pretty much the entire map being altered... It really does make the game entirely new again which is appreciated when you have been playing the same game on and off for over five years. Change is a good thing, it keeps life from getting stale. Two more weeks until Cataclysm is in stores, so can't wait for the next big surprises.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hectic Weekend Ahead
This weekend is going to be insane. I am working tonight from 4p-10p followed by my on campus club: The Japanese Pop Culture's Society's Bronc Buffet (think midnight breakfast but with junk food and carnival like events) which I am helping run (aka won't be going to bed until after 2a). Tomorrow I am doing some Hanukkah shopping followed by Dungeons and Dragons with my friends at 1p, and then I am going to go see the first installment of the seventh Harry Potter movie for free with my school! On Sunday I am going to go see Megamind and hopefully get all of my homework done at some point. I need to finish designing my personal website for my Multimedia Design class, design a CD cover, and label for my Advanced Publication Design class, plus I have to finish ch 7 and 8 for my math class. If I don't lose my mind this weekend it will be a mini miracle.
In video game news my boyfriend finally got his human warlock to lvl 80 today! Which gives him four weeks to get himself geared before Cataclysm comes out.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
In video game news my boyfriend finally got his human warlock to lvl 80 today! Which gives him four weeks to get himself geared before Cataclysm comes out.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
New Patch
Another World of Warcraft patch was released today. This lead to much high pitched screeching on my part. I can not believe we are less than a month away from the release of Cataclysm! I am super excited. The new patch according to Blizzard's website "will pave the way for the shattering of Azeroth shortly before the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm on December 7." Most of the patch appears to be bug fixes but that is not exactly a bad thing. I can not wait to play tonight... once I finish all of the other things I need to do first of course. ;)
I have definitely been keeping busy. With the end of the semester four weeks away it seems like I have no shortage of work to do. On the bright side my portfolio finally seems to be coming together, and really is something that I can be proud of. The future seems closer and closer, but for once I feel like I am finally ready to face it head on.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Monday, November 15, 2010
Things are happening to me...
So this past weekend was AnimeUSA and it was awesome. I enjoyed myself much more than I did last year. It was definitely a welcomed vacation away from all of the hustle and bustle of college life.
In other news I may have gotten myself an internship. I have to do a trial run first but if all goes well this will be a great boost for my resume and portfolio. It seems like I am finally being given a chance. The future is mine to take.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
In other news I may have gotten myself an internship. I have to do a trial run first but if all goes well this will be a great boost for my resume and portfolio. It seems like I am finally being given a chance. The future is mine to take.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The journey to 80
Last night I reached lvl 80 with my gnome rogue in World of Warcraft. It might not seem like a big deal, or really all that important in the grand scheme of things, but to me it was a huge deal. Reaching lvl 80 was the culmination of seven months of work and over five years of on and off play. I never thought I would be able to get any of my toons all the way to 80 and truthfully I am very proud of myself. Kittkat the Explorer is now lvl 80 and just in time for next month's release of Cataclysm.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Quick update
I am lvl 79! So close to 80 I can almost taste it! I am so excited at the idea of my first 80 toon in WoW... it's kinda sad really I've been playing WoW on and off since 2005 and I'm just finally beginning to play consistently enough with the same character to get it to lvl 80.
In real life news I am going to AnimeUSA this weekend where I will be cosplaying as Kaylee from Firefly/Serenity, and as Mario with my roommate who will be Luigi. I'll post a few pics next week. Also I have an interview for a possible internship on Tuesday with a graphic/web design company. Totally nervous about that. Just going to pray for some good vibes to be sent my way.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
In real life news I am going to AnimeUSA this weekend where I will be cosplaying as Kaylee from Firefly/Serenity, and as Mario with my roommate who will be Luigi. I'll post a few pics next week. Also I have an interview for a possible internship on Tuesday with a graphic/web design company. Totally nervous about that. Just going to pray for some good vibes to be sent my way.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Monday, October 25, 2010
Days go by
The semester is half over and I am looking forward to the future. Next semester is my final one and then its hello real world. I am really hoping to find a job that will allow me to combine my love of writing, my love of videogames, and my love of digital art. My dream job would be to work for an online videogame magazine.
In other news I still haven't heard back from since they told me that I had been approved to become a model. It's a bit disheartening but I am moving on. And on a higher note my gnome rogue is now lvl 75! Just five more lvls to go!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
In other news I still haven't heard back from since they told me that I had been approved to become a model. It's a bit disheartening but I am moving on. And on a higher note my gnome rogue is now lvl 75! Just five more lvls to go!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Sunday, October 17, 2010
What a long, strange year its been.
Yesterday my boyfriend and I celebrated our one year anniversary. One moment I can't wrap my head around the fact that it has been a whole year, and the next I can't believe that it has only been a year. It really does feel like time is speeding by in some crazy hyperactive faze. I graduate from college in just over six months and I'm not entirely sure that I am ready for the real world.
On an entirely different note my rogue is lvl 71 almost 72. I need to get to 80 before Cataclysm is released on Dec 7!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
On an entirely different note my rogue is lvl 71 almost 72. I need to get to 80 before Cataclysm is released on Dec 7!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Halfway gone
My Senior year fall semester is halfway over and thinks are super hectic. I am still working with financial aid to get my financial issues cleared up. It looks like there may finally be an end in sight. The good news is I will not have to deal with any of this next semester. I just could really use some good news right about now.
In gamer news I got my gnome rogue up to lvl 70! Which is pretty awesome.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
In gamer news I got my gnome rogue up to lvl 70! Which is pretty awesome.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I was chosen to be a pinup on! I'll keep everyone updated on the process to getting my photos shot and put on the site!
More good news! Official release date for WoW: Cataclysm! Dec 7, 2010! I already reserved the special edition of Cataclysm. Super excited! Also I got my character up to lvl 67! Just 13 more lvls to 80!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
More good news! Official release date for WoW: Cataclysm! Dec 7, 2010! I already reserved the special edition of Cataclysm. Super excited! Also I got my character up to lvl 67! Just 13 more lvls to 80!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Sunday, October 3, 2010
New week, new problems
So a new week is beginning and with it comes a slew of new issues for me to deal with it. After making a complete ordeal about it my university's financial department accepted my loan, and Sallie Mae sent them the first disbursement. I am super stressed about how I am going to be able to pay all of this off.
On a different note rumor has it that Cataclysm will be released December 7. Which would be kick ass. I am trying to power level my gnome rogue who is currently at lvl 66 to lvl 80. All while trying to keep up to date with my studies and dealing with all the shit that the financial aid department throws my way. Life really shouldn't be this difficult...
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
On a different note rumor has it that Cataclysm will be released December 7. Which would be kick ass. I am trying to power level my gnome rogue who is currently at lvl 66 to lvl 80. All while trying to keep up to date with my studies and dealing with all the shit that the financial aid department throws my way. Life really shouldn't be this difficult...
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Catching up with myself...
I am six minutes away from Friday and I could not be happier. This past week has been long, eventful, and exhausting. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and hopefully some good news. I am awaiting's response to my application to be a nerd girl pinup, and even though Sallie Mae sent my college all of my loan documentation two days ago, my university's financial aid office has still not certified my loan for some unknown reason or other.
So to sum up, its been a long week and I can not wait for the weekend. I hope to begin next week with a much more positive outlook than this past one.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
So to sum up, its been a long week and I can not wait for the weekend. I hope to begin next week with a much more positive outlook than this past one.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Interview Take Two... and Action!
So tonight is my rescheduled interview. I am less nervous this time, which may be due to what a long day today was. Which may just mean that I am just too tired to be nervous.
I really want to be chosen to be a model for nerdgirlpinups. I think more than anything it will finally prove to me that I can succeed at something I really want. I have put a lot of time, effort, and emotion on the line for this opportunity and I really want it to pan out.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
I really want to be chosen to be a model for nerdgirlpinups. I think more than anything it will finally prove to me that I can succeed at something I really want. I have put a lot of time, effort, and emotion on the line for this opportunity and I really want it to pan out.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I was supposed to have my interview with today, but my interview was canceled. It will hopefully be rescheduled for Tuesday night. I was so nervous leading up to my interview today, finding out it was canceled was both a relief and added stress. I really just want to get it over with truth be told. I will keep my blog updated with my application status.
On a different topic new episode of Castle tomorrow... YAY!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
On a different topic new episode of Castle tomorrow... YAY!
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Friday, September 24, 2010
Some Good News
So after a week of absolute hell I finally have some good news... and it has nothing to do with Geicho. After multiple tries with multiple cosigners ending in multiple failures I was approved for a loan in order to stay in school. Sure I am going to owe a TON of money when I get out, but at least I'll have a piece of paper saying I'm qualified to work in order to pay off the loans I received in order to get said piece of paper. Kinda of screwed up when you think about it really....
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
First Post
So this is my very first post. I am quite excited to begin my blog and I hope to be consistent with it. I hope to update at least once a week, and write fun and interesting tidbits about my life. Being a female gamer and overall nerd carries with it many amusing stories that I hope to share here.
The biggest bit of news in my life right now is that I am currently auditioning to be a nerd pinup girl on the website My interview is this Sunday and I am very excited to find out if I will be accepted.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
The biggest bit of news in my life right now is that I am currently auditioning to be a nerd pinup girl on the website My interview is this Sunday and I am very excited to find out if I will be accepted.
Peace, love, and videogames -Krystle
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